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Hello, everyone!

New month, new manual pack of miniatures. This time dedicated to the Northern Duchy of Avernia.

Throughout this month, we will return to the voting process, which was put on hold in the last release.

The schedule for the upcoming months is as follows:

  • July: Avernia 
  • August: Vacation
  • September: Undead (most likely elves) 
  • October: Wood Elves (As we are progressing slower than expected with the kickstarters, we want to give you at least one cavalry unit to make the lists more playable.) 
  • November: Nevarra

From here on, we will return to our normal sequence :)

I hope you find it appealing.

Lastly, I'd like to address the users in the Gema tier specifically. It's a small tier, and it generates more work than benefits for us. However, I understand that it's valuable to some of you, and we don't want to eliminate it.

To make our work more effective, we will now deliver the rewards at the end of the month since it's a manual process and some people often get left out, making it challenging to manage efficiently. This way, I ensure that everyone who has paid will receive the message to claim their rewards.

I hope nobody minds this change. I believe it's the best solution to avoid problems.

Tomorrow, I will send the message to all of you from May.

Sending you all warm regards, and I hope you all enjoy this month's offerings. We have taken into account everything you've asked for during its execution :)



Jan Klos

Noticed it on elves figures, but why your archer aren't bending their bows (I am quite sure, that full drawn bow should be bent more, than this... not to mention, that not drawn bows looks same).


Fundamentally for the same reasons that all soldiers are made of the same height. On the one hand this allows the arms to be more interchangeable and does not condemn them to a single situation, so it increasing the compativility of the pieces. And on the other hand the general vision. If we alter the curvatures the arches look different sizes, just as if we alter the heights, it seems that you have figures out of scale. If it is an exhibition piece, you can play with it, but in miniatures of an army, the benefit does not compensate the "problems".


Yeah me again.. I've not received my downloads on your website as per usual so if you can please manually add it I'd appreciate it.. This is a reoccurring issue and part of why I haven't reupped in several months since I'm constantly having to do this. You said it was because I cancel generally at the end of the month but frankly I have a dozen or so patreons and none of them do this..


I am very sorry. Right now the problem is that we have 4 or 5 users, of which Patreon transmits your contributions with 0 value. We have informed them and we hope they make some correction in their API, which is the one that is generating the problem. If they don't provide us correctly the value of your contribution we can't do anything but continue assigning those contributions manually. To make it quick, every time you detect it, simply send me a private message with your account and as soon as I see it, I'll register it for you. Now I will let you set it up. Greetings and I am really sorry for the problem.