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Today I bring you a knight on foot accompanying the procession and carrying a Relic Sword.  I hope you like how the unit is getting. It is probably the month that we are devoting more hours and there is still a lot of work.

On the other hand, between today and tomorrow we will make the assignment of the December files :)




It seems we will agree to disagree. I can only say that I am here because you make mini’s that fit the warhammer aesthetics and vibe. Certainly the Elves. Which could fit perfectly in the gallery section of the Gw armybooks. The one that fit the aesthetics the least were the warriors of the Ashes. It’s a bummer that you changed your plans with Bretonnia after the poll. If I had known this beforehand I would have voted for another option. To me it feels you are saying that carrots are green, while we all see an orange carrot. Call me naive, but I believe a substantial group is here because your mini’s are very Warhammer like. Yours and Highland miniatures.


I don't think any of our elves would have been accepted by gw for publication. they don't fit in their style guide even if they have certain reminiscences. And in the rest of the ranges. GW looks at the German renaissance, we look at the Spanish and Burgundian. The Warriors of the Ashes conceptually can serve a similar purpose to Chaos, but they do not pretend to be Chaos. And the Wood Elves fit very well in their concept, but element for element they do not resemble any range that I know of. We are building for a rulebook you don't know yet, for a background you know very little about. For example our vampires are elves living among humans and that's why the elven influence in their armor is so strong. One thing I am looking for is that all our races have plastic influence with the other races they live with, and that will lead us to homogenize many elements. Copying would be the easy and profitable thing to do. And we wouldn't even have to do documentation, which is a lot of hours too. But don't expect to see copies. There may be some homage like this month's Joan of Arc. But they will always be about things with which we consider that we do no harm to anyone and about which no one has commercialization rights. Joan, Mordred or Roche are miniatures that as a fan I feel like doing and that nobody else has. But as a commercial value it is something completely residual.