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Hi guys

I have just returned from a family-medical trip. I thought I would have easier access to the internet these days but in the end things are not always as we expect them to be.

Now I will start answering all the messages we have waiting for you.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I would also like to remind those of you who are missing to link your accounts. https://www.patreon.com/posts/distributing-73421597

Most of you have already done it, but there are still almost 100 of you missing. Please don't leave it to the last day.



Erik Jonsson

I thought I could start a subscription with you for one month, as you made those beautiful human infantry and griffin miniatures, and then walk away satisfied. Oh how I was deluding myself. I find myself staring at month number three coming up and I have no inclination towards an adieu. You just keep impressing me with more and more beautiful and intriguing models and minis. Will there be more terrain like the bridge you have in welcome pack? More ruined medieval buildings perhaps? Eleven buildings would be cool as well. Ruins of an ancient kingdom. Can’t wait to see what you make next. Totally worth it!


Hello Erik The bridge has one more piece, which we hope to release soon. For the999 patrosns there is a two-headed Dragon and from that point we would like to introduce loyalty rewards, at least 2 or 3 times a year.

Erik Jonsson

That sounds awesome!