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-Good afternoon guys, new miniatures this month.

This month I haven't had time to make all the reders we wanted. In a few days I will add more. But you can already see what will be included this month more or less.

Tomorrow I will also upload the render of the second piece of the modular bridge.

We are finishing right now the elven drako, so if everything goes well you will receive it together with this month's miniatures.

For the month of April I anticipate that we will be working:

-On our personal version of the Skycutter-dragon of the Sea Guard.

-A High Kingdom battery

-Heavy cavalry of the Warriors of the Ashes

-Hero of the Black Knights

- Saurian Hero on raptor.

If anyone is missing old files, please write to us privately as usual.

As always thank you very much for the support 






Hi Rob The biggest difference between us and many other patreon is that we show you what we work on during the month in an open way. We value your opinions and in many cases we fit things in. You see here what the month includes, and that is not altered, and in this case it is this post. In other posts you will see the WIPs for the following month, so you will have the whole month to decide if you are interested or not. For example the knights of the ashes are not finished yet and are part of the package that we will release in April.


not sure what happened but i have not seen links for most of this months release