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Well guys, here are the exploded views of the units.

Right now we have collapsed the private messages as almost every beginning of the month. It will take a few days to finish the Patreon updates and be able to answer them.

Those of you who are missing files because they arrived late last month, please write us privately and we will send them to you as soon as possible.

Thank you all very much :)


Bueno chicos, aquí tenéis los despieces de las unidades.

Ahora mismo tenemos colapsados los mensajes privados, como casi todos los inicios de mes. Tardaremos unos días en acabar las actualizaciones del Patreon y poder responderlos.

Si os faltan archivos por haber llegado a última hora del mes pasado, por favor, escribidnos por privado y os los enviare en cuanto me sea posible.

Muchas gracias a todos :)



Kevin Walker

Maybe I missed it as I recently subscribe as a new Patreon lay lady month. Is there a consolidated list of what is coming that month. I have seen and reviewed a number of WIP and the like, but I would like to make sure I pulled down everything I have access to. Being on a number of other patreons an KSs, the logistics can be a bit time consuming and I hate to KSs something even after scanning and reading the posts. I realize managing them from a creator’s POV is time consuming as well. Thanks for any help you can be (nor worries if you cannot as well).

BiTx0 De MeTaL

Brutales, me flipa esta unidad


Don't worry, we are here to help you. Here is the link to the July and August archives, which were unified: https://www.patreon.com/posts/53188270 And this is what September will include. : https://www.patreon.com/posts/september-55533507 Normally the files are released on the 15th.