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Well guys while the lizardmen survey is finishing up, the human kingdoms also need to be raised.

Which units would you like to see in the survey?
Bueno chicos, mientras que acaba la encuesta de los hombres lagartos, también hay que plantear los reinos humanos.

¿Qué unidades querríais ver en la encuesta?


Jan Woroniak

Knights on foot :-)

Anto - Icarus Games

I'd love to see some greatswords, and a peasant/levvie militia with cheaper armor and weapons would be awesome too..


Knights on foot / paladins.


Flagellants and outriders (double pistol or arquebusier on horses)

Santo Monegro Calamita Dovahkiin

Milicianos, espaderos, arcabuceros, herreruelos, piqueros/alabarderos...será por unidades! Si recuperais los regimientos de renombre, los piratas matadores sería muy muy top!


Just to be offbeat ;-) ... Sappers, Artillery, Wagons, Quartermaster, Supplies, Command Tent.


Pegasus mounted heroes - lord, captain, wizard.


Griffon knights, Inquisitors (on foot and on horse), knights on foot


Caballeros a pie y con montura monstruosa, como lobos gigantes o panteras, y unidades con morrión o borgoñota y peto con diferentes opciones de armas


Greatswords, foot knights, or the Wolf Knights made previously but mounted this time.

Scott Woods

One or more school of wizards

Julien Gerard

Demigryphs and artillery 😊


state troops

Joost Veenstra

Warmachines like the hellblaster, canons and the steam tank!


Great swords and bowmen


Flagelantes-Piqueros/Lanceros-Cazadores... es más todas las que sean!


Se que soy un pesado, animales de tiro bueyes pones, mulas para maquinas de guerra

Carlos Manuel Luna Cuenca

Pues lo que sea en plan "regimiento de renombre" (las espadas de Ulric, Caballeros de la Santa Guadaña, fusilados acorazados, marines de Norland...) de los mil que hay de esos humanos que hablan alemán. Y también sería muy chulo ver cualquier cosa de esos humanos que hablan en bret... Ejem, en francés 🤭


Greatswords Flaggelents Milltia Hunting party Reiksgaurd on foot War wagon Large cannon

Richard Davies

Knights on foot, bowmen, halberds, hunting party 👍


Unos reinos humanos steampunk o bien ultra religiosos (flagelantes, esclavistas,...) también de aspecto hindú (las pelis de bollywood para coger referencias van genial) o un reino tipo las mil y una noches. De reinos humanos tradicionales creo que ya hay mucho


tropas libres y flagelantes


Ya que vamos con órdenes militares, los caballeros de la muerte de M0rr, también podría expandirse la gama de mercenarios con ciertos regimientos de renombre

Jan-Ole Kliem

Crossbowmen, Greatswords, Outriders, War Altar, Warrior Priests, Mercenaries


Regular knights (like the reiksguard, but with less bling), Demigryp knights, Great swords, wizards and etc...


State troops with multiple weapon options, I.e. sword/shield, spears/pike, bill, halberd etc...


steam tank variants, halfling militia, state troops from different provinces (modular with different shields/heads to distinguish), wizards of different colleges, war wagon

Philippe Tremblay

people mentionned the usual human kingdoms units, but would go with more armoured versions or different syles. A bit like what you mentionned for the elf (same troops can have different style/iconography). One thing that I found a bit boring with a certain company, his they had only one style. I iamgine human kingdoms would have different versions of knight/statetroops/gunner/gryph, etc

Santo Monegro Calamita Dovahkiin

"carro del representante máximo de la fe del grifo y los martillos", "carro de guerra semi fortificado con ingenieros y armamento experimental"


Demigryph knights, greatswords and specific province shield and iconography bits

Brian Orban

Lords/Generals on griffins!


Tank !


More coal to Steam Engine

Keg and Krow

Greatsword infantry in heavy armour.


A war wizard. No, a group of wizards! No, wizards from all the schools in the college of magic! Yessssss, fire wizard, bright wizard, celestial wizard, etc. Imagine how much fun it would be to design such a diverse group...


One idea would be to make a generic mounted knights kit with different crests/shield emblems and ribbons to make the different famous WH regiments, like the Knights Griffon and Knights of the Everlasting Light. Imperial Cuirassiers or New Model Army (but with a fantastic twist, of course!) as another option. Of course some heavy armored infantry with swords or halberds could be cool too.


Ricco's Republican Guard


Reiksguard on foot, flagellants, sigmar sisters

Daniel Fiala

Demigryph Knights, Outriders/Pistoliers, Steam Tanks...


Demigryphs, War altar/Hurricanum combo (interchangeable if possible), steam tank. Ultimately I'd rather get a little less things and something bigger.


Oh, I know there were never rules or models for them, but personally I'd like to see versions of the celestial hurricanum and luminark of hysh but for the other 6 colleges: fire, shadow, death, life, beasts and metal. Never understood why only 2 of the colleges would use something like that and I think the other ones could look really cool.


That's am excellent idea! I don't think anyone else would be doing it.

Jon Letham

Conquistador styled Pikemen and Crossbowmen

Ed Thüringen

The one thing is missing for T9A players now is huntsmen.

Deith Kavid

A Gold Wizard, and archers/huntsmen

Daniel Hagenauer

Teutogen Guard Galloper Gun like Bronzinos SteamTanks imperial Marine/Navy ... Admiral / Sailor / Mate ... with sabers, pistols, muskets and cannons

Cn Chan

Conquistador styled pikemen, fifer.

Clint Richards

Armoured Pike, Greatswords


Conquistador styled models, female warrior priest, naval/marine models


Arcabuceros, milicias, fanaticos, artilleria, caballeros del Lobo a caballo


Steam tank demigryphs greatswords


Hechiceros de varios saberes en diversas monturas (caballo, grifo, pegaso...), altar de guerra y tropas regulares (espaderos, lanceros, ballesteros...)


Fanatics/Warrior Priests


Greatswords (grandes espaderos) or Pistoliers (herreruelos)


Archers/Huntsmen Free Company

S Toomey

Wolf knights or even some reinvented Dogs of War style units

Kamil Stolarczyk

You know what, there’s 73 posts, and none of them has a bad idea… good luck choosing:)


Pegasus wizard


Free company, fanatics and pistoliers,

James Moyon

Pegasus wizard and free company

Travis Gist

Please do a warrior priest character


Free company :-)