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So... where was I? Right... Update 0.7.0 was sent to be tested. Today I'll do some minor things, like fixing a render or three. Then probably make few more gods to fill out the codex some more. Honestly not sure what info I should put in it. A bit hard when you know everything... eh. And then I'll write what remains of update 11 over the weekend and start rendering 0.8.0 on Monday. And that's about it for the progress...

And then in time-honoured concept of avoiding spoilers...

One of the story concept renders. ToaM is at the same time easy and a bit more difficult to write than the previous ones. Partially, because there are no limits what I can do. Well, that's not entirely true, there are limits but most of them has to do with how advanced technology is. And because of lack of those limits there are more story concepts floating around than normally. Some are more feasible than others. This one? The elements for it to happen are in place, but have to see when I get there with writing.




Thank you ✌️ 😊

Hirusha Senevirathne

Hey dev, I forgot to ask is Eirlys a main character or a side character? I didn't see her in the codex!


Main, she will be added in 0.7.0. Her large image was missing thus she wouldn't appear in the codex.