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A small question of something...

  • Use Naga 1 only 0
  • Use Naga 2 only 5
  • Use Naga 3 only 4
  • Use Nagas 1 and 2 1
  • Use Nagas 2 and 3 6
  • Use Nagas 1 and 3 6
  • Is this even a real question? All three of course! 100
  • 2024-01-23
  • —2024-01-25
  • 122 votes
{'title': 'A small question of something...', 'choices': [{'text': 'Use Naga 1 only', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Use Naga 2 only', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Use Naga 3 only', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Use Nagas 1 and 2', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Use Nagas 2 and 3', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Use Nagas 1 and 3', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Is this even a real question? All three of course!', 'votes': 100}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 25, 22, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 23, 15, 1, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 122}


One of those historical polls... like once per project. Eh... anyway.

So the "issue", it's relating to the naga characters. Before Friday I was thinking of just using one of them. Friday when I made that "Daily Motivational Render" I found that second Naga character that I had made. So why not? I can use both. And then comes Sunday and the third naga... I was making those images of the gods you see on Codex with 0.6.0 soon(tm). And once I saw her? Well... things went differently. And while I am concerned of charcter bloat... says the man who had 34 possible encounters in TRS2...

Anyway. So I'll let you decide, in the end it is just writing. I haven't named the characters yet, the names comes when it is time. That and I probably know what the answer is but I'll ask regardless. So some pictures first... Larger ones are attached.

Naga 1:

Naga 2:

Naga 3:

Nothing spectacular but enough to give some idea. Also of note, there is in addition outside of the Naga, one more "main" chracter planned. So there aren't that many of them as is regardless. That and one side character might get promoted to the main character category, but that is something I need to think about still... And regardless of the result, all of them will be used one way or other, it is just the question of who (or whom) become the main character. 

The poll closes on 26th of January at 00:01 (GMT +2) So there are a couple of days to  vote.

Anyway, the question: Which of the Naga's I should use as "party member"? 



Gingko Biloba

A few questions: is the head a headdress? If yes, ok, if no, and it's a part of their body, I find that the skin color of the 1st works best. Otherwise on both the look and the clothes, 1 (cool red clothes btw) and 3 I'd say.


It's part of the body, Naga's (even in mytology) has a cobra's hood. Similar like the snakes on a Gorgon. Also as in mythology, Naga's do have three forms. Human, Human/Half-snake (like gorgons) and pure snake... Which amusingly isn't Cobra but a python...

daniel karlsson

i am thinking if its a transformation so she gets a tail she might wanna wear something that isent pants like the first in one and the first in the second one too but i might be overthinking it but they all look good


A bit overthinking, since the clothing can be hand waved with magic anyway so what ever they wear would be non-issue. And it is established that contingency type spells exists in universe it wouldn't be too far fetched for them to have "remove pants" type of spell in case of transformation.