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Hello all!

So the weekend was awesome... today not so much. I hate my brain at times for getting stuck on insignificant details that you can't even see on camera. Anyway. Rendering has been good, except for today took way too long to set up the scene. But that being said, there isn't that much to render script wise, one scene basically but that is relatively large render count wise. So all is good and right on my internal schedule.

As for writing... It went really well. I'm basically where I should be at this time of the rendering, so all is good. And I'm happy.

Concept art today. Since what I have left could be spoiler and not that suitable for public posting. Anyway. While ToaM isn't Terminus Reach, and the majority of characters are more or less standard fantasy stuff, humans, elves, dwarfs and so on. Some I give a twist, of course, like the snow elves instead of the standard high elf. But that doesn't mean I don't have a need for things that are more unusual. You saw the male counterpart in 0.5.0 (maybe) and right now you don't know what that was. That's for hmm update 7 I think it was to reveal. Will there be other unusual things in the future? Most likely, yes, I've "prototyped" a lot of figures and creatures. Some aren't that great, some... some have uses. Granted, right now these concepts and experiments have replaced my "daily motivational renders" for most parts, but at the same time, they do function the same. They give ideas, and solutions to problems I've had while writing.



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