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I'm tired... So stuff happened. Mostly my own fault with the issues, should have known better by now. But they are dealt with so onwards with progress post.

Rendering has been... painful. Let's just say some renders have renders about 10 times slower than normally. Only because they don't fit in both of my cards VRAM. Alright, even if it would have fitted in the both cards, it might have just been slightly quicker. Modern effects and all that tends to be heavy to render. Not a big deal overall. Annoying, but not a big deal in the long run.

Writing? Eh, it's going. Fairly certain that I'm going to lose one of the buffer days. Maybe. Let's see how things go after my annual day off. It's mostly finding the time to do it at this time of the year, a lot of little things needing attention. But enough of this moping around.

I've decided not to share a preview today, there are a couple of reasons. One that it contains heavy spoilers. And two, well... you'll see once it's released. But still... while my "daily motivational renders" have been non existent because I've been focusing more on the actual production renders, I do have something.

Merry Christmas to all of you and have an excellent weekend. I can't guarantee a progress post on Monday, that depends on several things. But if not, there will be one on Friday.



Gingko Biloba

Take your time. Enjoy it. It's ok.


Happy Holidays, and enjoy your time off for a few days. You deserve it