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Hello all!

The epilogue is out, and it is full steam ahead to the next one. Well, been doing that already for a few days, but yeah, point. Last night we discovered an issue with the walkthrough mods gallery (thanks MG for reporting it!), unfortunately it does affect the android version as well. I've already uploaded and updated the android links. And Shaddy has updated his mod. So if you are an android user you might want to grab a new copy. I apologise for the inconvenience.

As for the next one. Rendering is going nicely. Posing is slightly annoying, but I have only myself to blame for writing the scene as it is. But, when in doubt, cheat... My protagonist tends to have access to magic (or psionics). And let's not pretend we wouldn't make our lives easier doing those little annoying things if it would be possible. 

And writing is going, getting back to the rhythm that got mixed with the longer rendering hours, assuming that there are no surprises. I should be close to finishing the update six's writing by the end of the week.

Then preview and some tech talk. All the options from TRS2 will be in the new one. Thus, those images that are darker but fine for me have the option for a bit brighter version.

The difference isn't that huge, but the latter might be more clear. So if you need it, the option will still be there. Among other options, but more of those when I get the first half of the initial release done and coded.



i would suggest you stick to the first one. take a close look at the wizard's face in the second one. not sure if it's my monitors' settings but the colors seem off by a bit. while it's easier to see all details, the nutter in me still thinks the more realistic first one fits the tone much better. then again, i'm most likely in the minority.


Both versions will be available, the other one is an option that is only shown if option for it is enabled. It's just enabling an option for people who have harder time seeing what is in the "more realistic" image.


mine for some odd reason seems like the candle is brighter on his face in the second pic. Gives me a brighter vibe


That's intentional effect. The first one will be the default that people will see. The second one... is for them who have harder time to see things in the first picture.