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Hello folks...

Good thing that I didn't specify on which Tuesday I start the new one. I have about 10 renders left of what I've planned. Then whatever comes to mind, so far most of the renders have been within a year of the start of the story, have to see how that goes. And 10 renders doesn't sound much, and you are right, it isn't much. Except each new set needs building, that's 1 to 4 hours, and daz is slow "starting a new scene" and loading things. And no SSD or NVME.M2 doesn't change it, unfortunately. In this case HDD isn't the bottleneck it's how Daz is made. Regardless, the epilogue update will be out this month, it's being proofread and I've set the release date for it already, but more of that on Friday. And I'm confident that I will start rendering new stuff if not Tuesday, Wednesday... Why do I have a feeling that it's in the "famous last words"-category? 

Writing is chugging along, nothing much to say about it, I get to write a moment here and there so I'm mostly happy with it.

Not all characters get a full scene, Vati and Ivoin are one of them, they still are part of the finale renders. And yes, she is excited about getting a ride in APC... 

It's funny, this looks like a simple scene, but there are so many minor details to take care of, at least so that there is no obvious clipping on the camera. And this one was one of the easier ones in the finale...

And then this. This is titled as "Agony." Yeah... it has been one of those weekends, everything has gone well but slow.  It's mostly an environment test, but also an indication that there will be some darker themes within the next one. But as always, there are choices that can make things better. Or worse. Anyway, back to rendering the finale renders.




Do we get to play with the Ginger kitty? As always amazing work 8-) Thank you!!


Not in this one, I'm afraid. Have to save things for the future ;) And I do have the character files saved and backed up for future use.


"Why do I have a feeling that it's in the "famous last words"-category?" 'cause it is? it's how it always happens when you're a perfectionist. or when real life decides to throw curve balls. or when fate/karma/whatever decides to smack you over the head and slow things down so you don't meet deadlines. such is life. just stick with it and don't give up and you'll get there. sorry if it doesn't make much sense but i'm trying to translate something i was told over a decade from japanese into english.


Actually... rendering wise, it went as planned. ;) Now coding, fixing spelling errors and probably dozen of small things more...