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Sleepy... and irriatated. I'm two days behind of the schedule I wanted to be, irritating. But perhaps it was a bit unrealistic for the amount of renders I need. It doesn't take much, two minutes longer for the renders in one scene to throw the schedule that I had in my mind off. But regardless, 1700 items in the render folder, minus fixes and support renders. Yeah, one and half scene, give or take it gets a bit strange to estimate, regardless the rendering will be done soon. About dang time if you ask me ;) Need to start tackling the coding tasks while rendering. Although, there might be stuff I need to add at the start of the update, but I'll wait some feedback on that...

Writing is going forward, still not the pace I would want but there are more important things to focus. Although there something I'm thinking of doing, not entirely sure yet, and I need to start thinking of branching as well. Choices, choices, choices... Well it will come to me. And I need to think how I'll do the epilogues going forward.

Hmmm... what the tell about this scene? It's just short transitioning scene from one place to other, but it allows me to show life out side of the apartments for a bit, kinda? I'll admit, this scene can be missed. Anyway, moving on...

More snow elves. I have a guideline of sorts, until it is rendered in the game it is subject to change. You might regonize the "Banshee Queen" that I posted... a long time ago. Ideas are one thing, but things evolve once you start writing. Something that seemed to be a good idea then might not work when writing. Now the ideas of the snow elves and the banshee queen has merged together because it made sense.




i'm trying to remember the name of the game from the 90's where the banshees were actually akin to shamans or priests among ash elves, which were something like necro elves in that they controlled souls instead of nature. so, yea, merging them, in my eyes at least, would be a logical step. they didn't have the headdress and they would always float but i for one prefer this representation more, since it's more akin Hecubah from Nox.


Good to see the fishing dude is back! Now I just have to find where you hid the pickle 8-)


The game doesn't ring a bell at the moment. There is something vaguely familiar about it, but I can be mixing it probably into a dozen of things. And potential translations messing things up on top of everything. Anyway, a bit more general rambling about the subject. Truthfully, one of the biggest reasons to merge (outside of it being logical because various traits they share) is aesthetics. The more I toyed with the snow elf idea, certain visuals kept popping up, snow, cold, death... we associate cold to death, what represents death? Skulls and bones. So add certain aesthetics to the elves and they fit. Then, for the sake of having the "big picture" you try the clothes/armour you associate with traditionally to high elves. They don't fit. I mean, they fit, they look good in them, but they don't fit. It isn't the race that formed in my head. And now I have this "undead faction" that uses the same aesthetics, white skin, armour adorned with skulls. Not that there are that many alternatives in the fantasy section, but for humans it's easy to use "realistic" armours anyway, but back to the topic. Then it gets to their traits and their position in the story itself. And you see there is some overlap. It wouldn't be more work as is, but you would ask yourself, what is the difference? Would the story benefit from having two similar factions that fill the same role? Frankly, no. From story point of view it doesn't make sense, better to merge two of the factions and create something more or less unique than work on two things that potentially end the same in the long run. In the end, merging them made sense, and now I can create something different instead, something that hopefully will be as unique.