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Morning all... Perhaps quite literally in some cases.

 I need more coffee. So where are we? I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not that I'm close to completing the rendering, but the more pain in the backside scenes are soon behind me. Otherwise? It's hard to say. I'm roughly halfway through the script. But that doesn't mean much when there are a lot of renders. But overall, I'm happy where I am. 

Writing is still in a phase. It's a bit weird to write, as there are several time skips because traveling takes time. I could add seemingly "random" encounters, but would that be any better? Those encounters should be "saved", or maybe reserved is a better word, for something more special than "random" bandit attacks.

I like this render, but good gods, the reflections and the "artificial UV light for plants" make it messy. And since I'm in a mood, another! 

This is a render I hope no one will see. If you see that, you might as well restart the day, as it will end poorly... I'm not a fan of that particular explosion effect, but it will work here. 

And I've been embracing my inner pyromaniac recently. With all the volcanoes and things. Thus, some more fire! Recently, I've struggled with creating characters. Well, that isn't entirely true, but it is because I'm not there yet for those characters. Once I reach the spot? Some of my more liked characters were created about 5 minutes before they appeared.



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