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Hello all!

Man, this week has been a pain in the backside... So how are things going?

Update 35 is being uploaded. The upload is 50% done at the moment, and the goal is on Monday. But if it is up before that, I'll push it out earlier.

As for rendering of update 36, despite multiple interruptions this week, it's more or less where I want it to be, script and render count-wise.

Writing is in a bit of a phase, but it's epilogue writing. It is just attaching certain dialogue to certain variables, and that's about it. A big portion of Sorcerer's epilogue dialogue was written while rendering. Anyhow, once 36 is done, I'll take the usual writing break.

This is... a minor spoiler. The choice in this, and in the previous scene, does have some consequences regarding day 39. Not a game-over event, though.

Man and his panther... Okay, this one is an asset test... mostly for the town behind the characters. I shouldn't be surprised that it is lightweight and mostly usable. Also, note there might be occasional whiteish dots on the panther's fur. Those aren't errors. Not exactly. It is how light behaves with the fur. A piece of hair at the right angle with the light reflects a certain way, creating a white dot. I'll try to fix them when feasible, but it might not be possible in some renders. Sadly didn't have that much time to make more than this one this week, ah well, one of those weeks.




thank you for the size info, i knew it must be better than was shown, you're too good of an artist for me to think otherwise it was just my view which means little to nothing. throughout my life I have been trained to see the details that dont fit I have had several carrers and all were about finding flaws so it has skewed my vision. no matter what I find looking at your art is a pleasure.


I'll attach the larger one to the post once I've done uploading. Truth to be told. Lot of testings is about can I use the asset with more than one people, for production render there should be some sort of fog around to hide some background details and things like that. But when testing you need the "raw values" before you can add things like that.


Gotta say out of most VN developers, you are one of the most active when it comes to posting information, touching base with the fans, etc. Very few are good at doing this and creating engaging content as well. Most times you see this, it's a team effort but from what i can tell you're doing this mostly on your own.


Yeah it's just me for 99% of the time, proofreading and testing is done by others since eventually you just become "blind" to the issues, and I poke Shaddy at times for more complex code.