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Hello everyone. Right, the progress first.

Update 35 was sent to be tested and proofread. So I'll write the weekend and start rendering update 36 on Monday. Although next week will be annoying since there are a few interruptions early in the week. But, if I recall correctly start of update 36 was relatively easy to render, so I shouldn't fall too badly behind.

Hmmm... yeah, no. I wouldn't worry too much...

And a word before we continue our short story. Tomorrow is a special day of sorts. It's the day I started rendering TRS1... and a year later Sorcerer. So I consider the anniversary of sorts. And thus... I rarely make 4k renders, mostly because I don't have patience for them, but...

Here you go. Could have put one with the TR crew here, but I haven't rendered House of Ward recently. Yes, a couple members are missing, or maybe they are just hiding behind the usual crew... But joking aside, ran out of VRAM to add them, at least in this detail. And now, we return to the short story.

Three ways to banish a demon. Killing them, getting a priest, or using blood magic. Blood magic and necromancy are forbidden arts, yet there are conveniently placed tomes that the masters of the arts leave around for the students to read. Subtly titled "How To Deal With Demons."

But blood magic has a price. It requires blood, either the casters or someone else's...




Nice kitty kitty.


Looking forward to more of your games. Loved Sorcerer even though I feel somethings were left out, and more could've been done but it was great none the less. Also Sentinel 1.0 was great, the 2nd one is a very very slow burn but so far so good. Any idea when we might see initial release of your fantasy game?


There were multiple story lines going, and only the "personal" and the "company" lines got solved. The world story line was never intended to be solved as it was there to make the world live and not to be fully centered around the MC. It did intertwine with the personal and the company lines at times. As for TRS2... it's... deceiving. Partially because there are things that needs to get done before things are known. And the fantasy? If things goes as planned, rendering of it starts maybe day or two after TRS2 is completed, have to allow some time to fix bugs that might crop up. I know there is at least three to four months work left with TRS2 as a guess, since it all depends on how long the renders will take. Epilogue will be a large one...