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Hello once again.

So, Monday, and yeah... I'm writing update 39. And frankly, I'm not going to lie. It will be a hard one to write and annoying to render. But it has to be done. 

I started rendering update 35, although this week's progress is a hit and a miss. A lot of thunder, apparently. Ah well. At least I can write in the meantime, assuming I remember to charge my laptop between the storm fronts. But luckily, update 35's release is technically scheduled for a month from now, roughly, so it will be done by then. It's weird to work ahead of the schedule, in a sense. But that's also one of the benefits of having a writing buffer.

And sorting out the issue that Sage is having... this is from update 35 already, so it will be a while until it's seen. And moving on. The short story ended up being 30ish renders, and thus we continue...

Conjuring/summoning of anything creates a "wormhole" from one place to another.

But at times, things can go wrong...

And something else breaches the wormhole...

Magic attracts demons, and they are always trying to find ways to enter the world. Summoning creatures, even a familiar, carries an additional risk. Not only might the summoned creature be hostile and turn against you, but demons might also breach the wormhole's walls and emerge from the portal.




The fantasy VN looks better and better with each post. It doesn't matter if you use all the renders you have shown us, but it gives us an Insite of the direction your going. Thank You for these.


Elements of some of the renders. Characters, some of the locations. Little things like that. At least it gives a bit of an idea of what has happened and why certain reactions seems justified. If I'm not completely wrong as I'm not near my notes, this event is three(ish) years before the story begins.


Damn that first paragraph has me worried now lol I mean will it be hard because of what happens in the update like GoT style or just hard because it's an annoying one to render.


Choices do have consequences >.> However, that being said, majority of the negative things are result of the choices during that episode. Also because parts of it will be annoying to render.