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Assuming everything goes as planned, the release cycle will start at some point tomorrow (hopefully). Upload is being ehh... could be better, but it could also be worse. Much worse.

As for update 29? Sunday was a bit pain in the backside, I noticed that the scene I wanted to do wasn't working, so I had to adapt the scene to a different environment. Annoying, but happens. 

And due to that, I didn't get to write on Sunday, but it's still in alright condition overall. I'm good with it.

Heh yeah... It's a weird feeling, but luckily I can resume showing things on Friday... err... no, the following Monday. Dang, it. The release cycle would still be going till Saturday. Ah well. Fantasy background story stuff...

The life of a mage isn't easy. Especially when you are in training. There are several trials they need to pass. All of them are more or less lethal. Some are done alone, and some are under supervision because the potential results could be devastating.

Well... there is something coming out of this. Not entirely sure how I've decided to tackle this one yet, but it might be something interesting and not necessarily that good. Or not. Maybe I will decide to use butterflies. To be seen... But that being said, I recon I show some of these trials. At least the ones aren't that reliant of the story.



What you have shared with us, I'm sure the fantasy VN will be as great if not better than your others! Thank You!


Well, who knows? In the end, the story can only be judged once it's written. Truthfully, half of these renders are just an excuse to try all the things I've bought over the couple of years. The things that I can't directly put in TRS, or couldn't put in Sorcerer because keeping things consistent between updates.


Thanks for the update. Lets be prepared for another awesome release!