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So it is Monday once again. Truth be told, I wasn't sure if I should make a post today or not, but here we are. So what's up?

I'm actually amused at the moment, without realizing I hit the halfway point of the script before my break. But I'm rendering again, and it's going fairly smoothly.

Unlike writing, I hit a wall with it, not in a creative sense, but I need to get some dialogue right so I can continue building a few things, but at the moment, I don't like that segment at all. But other than that, it's alright. I've plotted the remaining of update 26 out. Just need to smash that one wall down. Anyway...

And today, it's the other variant. And just one preview today cause you know, busy rendering and trying to write... and the rest is spoilery stuff of sorts. Should resume "normal" stuff by Friday.



Is she with him or sneaking up on him?


I'm really starting to adore Nica and her personality, she's endearing ^^