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Hello, and good Friday to you all.

So how are things progressing? Well, I admit I was wrong in my estimate. It wasn't 700 renders. It's 800+. According to the render library, I'm at 860 renders, granted 20 of them, at least, are fixes that I haven't implemented yet. But that being said, lots of post-work to do...

As for writing? It could be further along, I admit, but there has been a lot of posing that needs a lot of tweaking during this week, so writing is dragging a bit. However, after update 20 is in the testing phase (aka tonight), I'll write the weekend and resume rendering update 21 on Monday.

As I mentioned on Monday, it was the last image of update 20 that I was going to show. There are other reasons as well, along with the spoilers. So this is the same fountain and tree but with ruins. You can easily kitbash most things in Daz3d. Some things make it more complicated, like are things on the prop separate items or parts of the prop mesh. Can you hide those things if they are part of the mesh or not. All those depend on the asset maker. And sometimes you have to get creative and hide stuff with other things.

And this, as I've said that I'd like to do something other than "medieval European-style" fantasy for humans. There are some options, but it's always more about does the interiors exist for the outside set. For this and a couple others, I can make something. Perhaps I will show the others next time.



I think your headed in the right direction. With Sorcerer you did not restrict the game to one location. I can see this could be very good. The fountain render with ruins looks better than the first one. Did you say you had three ideas for this? If so, I can't wait to see it. I think medieval Asia always had a cleaner look but as I told another DEV it's your creation so it's your call, we will still keep supporting you!


Cleanliness most likely depends what kind of town/city is in question, more larger, especially capital cities probably were cleaner, well at least medieval standard. More rural towns and villages? Not necessarily as they probably have bigger problems to think about. But in this case, this particular town asset was made by Japanese artist as far as I know. So it is his interpretation of Edo period town, granted it is later than medieval but you use what you can get.