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And for one brief moment, I had three update writing buffer. But alas, it wasn't to be so.

So, where are we at? Update 18 was sent to be proofread and tested, and I already had some feedback confirming what I suspected. There will be some code changes done, but nothing too major.

Meanwhile, I started rendering update 19 and writing update 22. Well, the writing started yesterday already, but in the end, it doesn't change much did it begin today or yesterday.

Wow... that was probably one of the shortest progress updates I've done. But then again, there isn't much to tell when things go well.

I realized over the weekend that, at times, there isn't a feasible way to expose some background events or material within a story simply because there isn't a natural way to do it. Of course, you can have a character asking about it, but it can feel forced, especially if the background information doesn't matter for the story being told, and yet it would be nice for the reader/player to know.

So what triggered this?

Some of the things I show don't happen simply because they are either concept material, testing material, or I'm not certain that the story in the next one will need some of the things I've done. 

And that being said, I've been thinking about a vampire character. It won't necessarily be her, but most likely, she will be there regardless, but I have to see where the story takes. I know how it ends, and I have about 18 different starting scenarios for it. And yes, the two renders are related to her origins. I made them because... why not? I still do the "Daily Motivational Render", well most of the time, at least set the scene might not render it because you know, making the VN takes priority in my head, and with the revelation I had during the weekend kind of lends itself to this kind of thing.

Sorry about the bit dark renders, but in my books daylight and vampires don't go together. In shadows, sure, I'll buy that but never in the sunlight.


Adam Cross

Honestly though, I think I would have fun watching you do a pure horror/urban dark fantasy story.


Maybe sometime in the future. Shattered Seals (Sorcerer's setting) would allow it fairly easily, but have couple other things that needs to be done before even thinking that ;)

Gingko Biloba

I've already said to myself "who is that again?" and I wish there was a tab in the main menu "character biography" to remind us who is who. Because there are a lot of people in your stories (which is not a criticism) and sometimes I don't remember who is who. I'm bad at remembering names. By putting this tab in place, it would also allow you to expose some of the backstory points. It wouldn't interrupt the story, since to read them you're already outside the story.


I am working on one, it's similar to the one in Sorcerer at start (with images this time) since I'm not really a coder as is so any improvements will come bit slow since it's a lot of time trial and error for me.