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Hello on this... Monday. Yeah, let's go with that. So how are things going? Fairly well now that update 14 is available to people, gradually anyway.

Rendering of update 15? I'm around halfway, maybe a bit over, as an estimate. So that is going well overall.

As for writing? I'm where I want to be with it as well.

Well, this is a short one especially compared to the last one. But there isn't much to tell when things are going relatively well. It could always be better, but it could be so much worse.

So the next question is what to show...

Alright, you have seen her before, but I wasn't happy with her. And after some random discussion about things, I pulled her file up and started trying different skins and a few other things. And in the end, this is better than the original blue version. So now I'm happy.

And that's it for today. I've been using both of my cards to render since I've been sleeping a bit longer than usual the past few days, so there are no free resources to pull extra render at the moment.



I'm glad to hear your sleeping a little more, rest is good for body, mind and relations. I like her, she could be used in any of you VN's. In TRS2 an alien or in fantasy she may or may not need a glamour. I like her.