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And good Monday to all of you! Yeah, I'm bit cheerful mood since the weather isn't trying to cook me alive at the moment.

I had fairly productive weekend over all, outside of the release which did the usual dampening on writing as making the builds and testing them eats bit time. But! Regardless I'm on the schedule with writing and I'll finish the Update 13 by the end of the week.

And then we go to rendering, started it, and it's going relatively smoothly, bit slowly, but there are lots of glass ware in the render so translucency and reflections so but it isn't bad as is. And noticed an error in about 15 renders, luckily I don't need to rerender any of them as just as spot render fixes the error.

So over all? I'm happy how things are going.

This is one of the images that has the error. Yeah the gas cylinders are floating, but there are couple of ways to fix it. Easiest is to add small platform underneath them and spot render it then fix it in post, and that was my solution for it.



You know it's funny how much Neesush and the Goblin Wayne took up with in Sorcerer look so much alike.


Well, there is an easy answer to that. It's the same model. I don't really have problem using minor character models again in different VN's. Especially when they are custom characters. For major characters, I tend to avoid using the same models in major role in another VN when ever I Can.