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Hmmm, Friday, and it means progress post.

Well this is fairly simple to do, rendering? Done. Update 9 is rendered at this moment. So what next? Converting images, testing, sending it to proofreading, and external testing since I'm bound to miss things. Now there are a couple caveats to this, proofreader might be busy this coming weekend so I might, note might, release it without proofreading, depends. And thunder storms. The past week temperatures have been around +30 (celcius) which usually translates into thunderstorms at some point, which according to the forecast is Sunday. And since I'm not too keen breaking my system... But I'll keep you folks posted, and if it comes to that I'll adjust release schedules or something.

So... writing.... hmm. It's on schdule I've set myself, and while I wait for the proofing and testing to be done, I'll prep for day 10 and mostly write over the weekend with some rendering.

And since we are closeish to release... no more spoilers. But a concept. I've mentioned it before but creating male aliens is bit pain, mostly because there isn't as big variety with skins. Luckily can always swap the UV, but even then, skins for females are limited as, so it mostly works if need to make both genders for singular alien species.



I'm willing to wait for it to go to the proofreaders before release. After all the last release took a little longer and you've still, have the quickest turnaround of all the DEV's that I deal with. So, if you go over a few days, not a big deal.


To be fair, the couple fast updates were mostly due to a luck. Every render went smoothly and without much issues so that helps. But as for the "heads up", it's just there to tell people that it might come out without proofreading since things can happen.

Emily Moran

i'm waiting for mc to go on a massacre :v hehe


That... would be interesting to render. Although there is a possibility something like that might happen in the future >.>