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And good Monday to you all it's some sort of progress report time.

So rendering, I'm roughly halway through the script as of now so I'm more or less back on the schedule I want to be in. Around 200 renders in, give or take which is about the right amount for 1 weeks work.

Writing, now this is interesting bit. I did get write over the weekend, not as much as I liked, but I decided that I'm happy with it. There is no point in stressing about something that will come naturally.

So I have bit hard time of showing things without spoiling stuff too much... and interestingly enough it seems that I messed up one of the images, heh, ah well 4 minutes break while I rerender the new one.

Anyway, this isn't much of a spoiler since it was told in update 6 that it was coming, bit more information about the tech involved.


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