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Monday already, seems that times goes faster each passing day. Or maybe it's that annoying increased sun light. Either way, I did stuff over the weekend.

So rendering, it's more or less in schedule, render amount wise it's less than I hope but scene wise I'm where I need to be and that is what matters really.

Writing of day 10 is going decently as well, didn't get as much in as I wanted, but it was weekend and people seem think that I enjoy coming to the front door and talk about random things for no good reason.  Go figure.

So the redhead in the brown clothing... she is so far the only model I've had to redo from scratch. Granted she appeared only in one shortish scene. She is Elizabeth, the engineer. Well she is redone completly since apparently I didn't save the scene files where she was in or the base file for model. Eh was bound to happen eventually.



Last update we seen the guy walk into the tank room with the brains. What happened? Or is that coming in the next update?


Let's say it is a hint what happens in the future, if he was in agony you are all good, if he wasn't well... not so good.