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So Friday... this week hasn't been that great. My system drive is failing, which obviously is bad news. The good news is that replacement parts arrives some time next week, and I say parts because I ordered two replacement disks, one which I use and other which I store in case some other drive fails. Luckily the interruption to rendering isn't that big since my assets are on a different disk. Just what it takes to reinstall windows and DAZ... and couple other tools I need.

Anyway, so rendering despite the annoyance is going mostly well, I'm saying mostly because the issue affects on certain loading times so it isn't exactly as fast as I want, but still more or less where I want to be. which is closeish to halfway point sort of.

Writing other hand is going to places, almost, yeah shouldn't be too surprised that I'm never happy about the progress of it but yeah, still writing still going more or less where I want it to be. Just need to do final crunch on it and then be happy for few days ;)

And then bit chaos and mayhem that isn't due to our esteemed protagonist. Hmm funny, it looks fine when it's on bigger screen. Buuut the flying dudes aren't important what comes after is...


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