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Bleh. That's what the weekend was... bleh!

So how things are going? Renders are on schedule more or less, had some annoyances but nothing too drastic, mostly because the originally written scene didn't work with the set so I had to rebuild the set to something else and then just improvise the scene. Not my favorite thing to do as it takes time from everything else but it got done, and fairly happy about the scene.

And because of that random improvisation writing was stalled, not too badly though just didn't finish when I wanted. Eh such is life, still going to finish it before the update is done so I'm happy with it. I'll probably start Day 9 on Wednesday or Thursday, depends does my brain need some time off from writing or not.

Although it's the normal spring time blues for me, more light, more warm, more tired I am so my most creative period is between 3 AM and 6 AM mostly, problem with that is that I still need to adhere normal "business hours" when dealing with things so I can't permanently shift my sleeping pattern to suit that. What can I say, I like winter, it's cool and dark easier to focus on things.

Anyway, there are few new characters popping up, she is one of them. Siren. She is bit weirdly gated character overall, but all that is woven pretty tightly into story itself. And yes this part of the game deals mostly with people who are already known, with some new faces. Going forward there are more unknowns and aliens about just need to get the story lines out there with familiar people.

The second one is Claissa, as you can see from the resemblance she is Chiel's mother. Although she has only one appearance written, but eh, there will always be support characters when you write a story.



Can't wait for the next update. Looks like it will be great as usual.