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And despite yesterdays release it is time for progress post. And I have to apologize for the extra emails from yesterday, there were few some random issues with the thing but it should be sorted now.

So day 28 rendering is underway, started doing on Sunday already so there is some sort of progress in that front, not going to spoil something in this so don't worry. But yeah, rendering is going, not as smooth as I would want but then again I was supposed to start rendering tomorrow according to the schedule I set for myself so I can't complain much.

Writing, day 33 is delayed for a bit, didn't like how day 32 ended so writing something more to it, but that's done in about an hour, so that doesn't really change anything.

And no spoilers with two people talking, right? And yes the lightning is intentionally so that the bookcase is darkened. The MC got new lightning designer >.> And yes, combat attires for everyone in this update. Except Miyuki, she will use her kimono, which technically is her combat attire...



I really like the way you work, and the result is just amazing.. 😃 Thank you. 👍