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I feel like this update is cursed. Anyway, I was hoping I didn't need to make this post but alas, the luck just isn't with me this week at all, like power being knocked out for 5 hours yesterday due rather severe storm.

So where am I? 300 renders in and still need more, curse for certain someone allowing choices! But about one and half scenes left. I did say the remaining scene are longish. So I guess it is time to burn some midnight oil. But on positives, the day is coded in and I'll be doing the first grammar and spelling check today. Then I'll send the text for proofreading.

And then some more positivity, writing on day 32. Now bit notes of day 31, and bit reflection on day 29. Some of the choices regarding one character are I won't say misleading but you will gain more if you act like the MC has been generally. Just turn down the last offer if you aren't interest of the character in question.

Now then, the renders... Well some spoiler stuff this time.

This situation is entirely Kai's fault... Yeah let's go with that. And the MC's nightmares has come true, he has to drive a sports car! Now back to the render mines... not that I left it while writing this. And yes the lightning is correct on those two images, on the first one the buildings are intentionally blocking the sun, on the last one the room is facing west and the sun is setting.

Sorry for this update ending up taking longer than usual, not really happy about it but it takes the time it takes. And as always, those who has supported me this month will receive the links to the update in patreon inbox when it is time for their tier to get it.



Same for me, here. I'm an italy guy, sorry for my english. What i want to say is that till now you're doing really great, so take your time, and go on with your good work.


Take the time you need and make sure to a minute or two for your self as well