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There will be release within next 24 hours, depending how pain my net is being. Anyway... I have still some tests to run and build which will take few hours

Changelog 0.23.5

  • First half of day 24 is implement.
    - Li's branch is available right now.
    - Players are told to save before the branching choice happens if on Li's branch. Those who didn't chose to meet Li on day 5 you might want to wait until full version.
  • 321 Renders.
  • Grammar and spelling fixes (Thanks to Adry Lemon, Phaelan Hood, and Shaddy Modda)

I'll put up the release schedule once I've done the final tests and done the release builds.
$15 Tier,  right now, $10 Tier on 17th of June, and $3 Tire on 19th of June. Well public is week after $3 Tier.



I would rather see a full day release than a half.


All branching days have been done like this. Partially, because I don't want to sit on a content that is playable to the end of the day. And, it still would have taken month to make the full 0.24.0, as each of the branch is size of a full day.

