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Bah, electric company doing unannounced maintenance work so lost my previous post, 3 pages of text got corrupted for reasons, and scene I was working with got corrupted as they yanked the power mid save -.- So slightly annoyed at the moment.

Anyway. So rendering despite the above annoyance, I'm where I should be, had to render few support scenes since certain someone in their infinite wisdom decided write such scenes. Well unfortunately I can only blame myself for that ;)

Writing, I'm in the most annoying part of day 27, it has tons of moving parts and math to do so things goes either well or bad. But I should be able to sort that out in couple of days assuming no interruptions, then it is just few more scenes and day 27 is done.

And now Mei is fed up with certain person... Not the on the ground but the one who did this.



It's why I've got a UPS for my PC. Not an expensive one, but it helps a few minutes during an outage and more important it filters surges so it should make my PC live longer :-) Maybe something like this could help?


Would have been fine had they told about the maintenance, just bad luck really nothing more. And got to have surge protection, just not UPS at the moment, not that it would last long enough while rendering. Which is what I'm doing about 90% of the time while on the computer.


Meh... I understand. And UPS's that last longer do tend to get expensive... Then I'll just keep my fingers crossed that the power company will better it's life! Anyhow, on a total other note: I enjoyed the update once again tremendously! :-D (SO many possible plotlines, I LOVE IT!)