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Man this week has been weird. It's like all my creativity has been in a bottle that has been capped, and then last night it just blew open. Granted, temperatures are rising from what I would like them to be, and it always makes me sluggish for a week or two.

But despite of that, Day 21 is about half way done, I think I have 3 scenes, well 3 and 1/5 scenes left to render so despite of me feeling sluggish I'm on schedule.

As for writing, day 26 is mostly sorted and needs some final touches. Starting 27 on Tuesday probably, just to give my mind some peace. Who are we kidding? I'll start it as soon as I finalize the day 26.

I like this render, and I kind of wanted to post it when I made it, but wasn't sure in what kind of territory I would be for the rest of the week spoiler wise so thought it would be best to save this. 


Gingko Biloba

« Now you have a super leg » « A super leg ? Awesome ! What super power will I have ? » « You will be able to jump super high, to kick super strong, and I add a sith sens » « Amazing, Will I be able to detect magic ? » « No, but your little toe will emit a painful signal whenever you tap a piece of furniture with it. » « Like a normal toe… » So much painfull memory...