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Weekend has passed and it is Monday once again. So how is it going?

Image plan is done, the day is 90% programmed, just need pile scene statements and pauses to be put in to their places. I'll be doing final editing checks today as well and preliminary grammar fixes, but we all know that doesn't mean much at this stage. ;)

Renders, oh boy, apparently I've done 312+ renders, so one could think we are close. Well... it seems that I still need 115 renders on top of that, pushing this update past the 400 images. But on positives, by the time I've done the last render all I need to do is the final test to see that all the images are in their places.

Writing, I'm about 1/3rd done of the day 26 so I got decent progress on it over the weekend. Still not far as far I wanted to be, but needed to edit one scene to have the right tone in it, in relation to day 20.

And that's about it, realistically I'm once again waiting for the renders to be completed. So here's hoping all goes smoothly.

And still at the association, with more... higher class people. You can tell due to the hat.



cant wait get more girls to join mc clan

Gingko Biloba

I'm really curious about a lot of things : the sha(wo)man (who will she be ?), the integration of Sabrina in the magical word (not sur her aunt will like it thought), and what about the cute couple that the MC helped, what does they want ? Can’t wait to see ! About Tamara I have a true question : in the chart, what is her power level ? Demon ? Demon lord ? Demon Princess ?