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And we return to our bit more extended final progress post of the week.

So rendering, despite feeling sluggish I'm on the schedule I caught up with what I thought I was behind and are few renders ahead, and I'm roughly half way of the scene list.

Writing, hit a bit of a snag as I realized that I need to split the day 24 into two halves and somehow weave them to feel like they are unified, but other than that little hiccup it's going fine. Doing the renders has helped me to sort out few things I wasn't entirely sure about.

And here is the final missing nun out of the four that I've named. There is one final scene to do about the "flashback" and I need to add some blurring to the flashback scenes.

Now to the extension. Some answers about the setting. And when I say Alexander, I mean the MC, it's just easier for me to use the default name, writer things.

Power levels

Some of you have been wondering how powerful people are, thus behold the strangest flow chart you will ever see, probably.

So what does this represent? This is the answer to the question of how strong what is and what their relation is to each other. Also be mindful that this is the average, individuals can be more powerful or less powerful than their group. And it is missing the undead, demi-humans and the likes but just to give a general idea. And the large version is still on paper.

This is the reason why, Marcus shrugged most of Alexander's damaging spells off, Marcus is  more stronger than he is, and currently only one who can go head to head with him is Tamara, provided that it is one on one and even then it isn't a guaranteed win.

Now this doesn't mean that less powerful ones can't take on the more powerful ones, it just takes work, knowledge, deception, and usually numbers. 

And the primordial demons/gods don't exist anymore, in a sense, but that explanation isn't exactly in the scope of this thing.

Hopefully that clarified that a bit.

Answers to some random questions that may or may not have been asked.

  • Burnout
    So this word was uttered at the end of day 17, while there is an explanation of sorts on day 18 I'll put it in here as well. It is about literally what the word means, any magic user are at risk of burning out. What it means is that they channel more magic through them then their body and/or mind can handle.

    If they go past the threshold their body can handle they will literally burn from inside out. If their mind fails, they become empty husks. Alexander's "burning" eyes was a symptom of him being on the edge of a burnout, the physical kind, as he just channeled more magic then he needed to do what he did. (There are far more corpses left behind than what was shown, I could have done more "combat scenes but less is more and generally 3 scenes back to back is more than enough).

    This threshold varies between people, and individual can push their limits farther with practice, Alexander being new to the trade means that his body isn't accustomed to the power he can use.
  • White Willow Home
    The orphanage where Alexander grew up, this isn't stated in the VN, but White Willow Home is orphanage for let's say half-humans, and other similar children.

    Now keep in mind that what is accepted now days would be unheard of as little as 30 years ago, hell even 20 years ago things were drastically different. So it isn't that unusual for children lets say with some fae blood in them to end up in orphanage, simply because their eyes might have been unusual, maybe horns or even extra set of arms.

    And because of that they are equipped to handle various issues that might come up. Also there are other similar orphanages around the globe.
  • Unique magical talent
    All sorcerers have "unique" magical ability, I use the term unique bit loosely here. Miyuki as stated can move between planes almost at will. Alexander's talent will come up in the VN so I will not spoil it.

    This ability isn't necessarily a good thing. For example, a part of Miyuki's magic is pure planar energy, prevent her accessing the planes and she becomes weaker.

So few answers, and over 9000 questions left most likely, hopefully these clarifies somethings about the setting, mostly the power levels.



very interesting,