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And a week of... actually I don't know, I feel like I haven't done anything but according to the pile of renders, I have done more then enough to keep up with the schedule.

So yeah rendering is going smoothly, about 3 and half scenes to do. Not that it tells that much since there are tons of rendering to do as the next scene I'm doing will require a lot of renders, probably need to do some layering to make some of them to happen. Then there is some more set building, but rooms and corridors aren't that hard to do thanks to a handy script I have.

As for writing, it goes, but I think we have established that I'm never happy how it progresses. Day 23 should be done by this weekend, but keyword being should. But at the same time I'm not worried as I know that writing is easy once the right mood hits.

And more fancy light effects! A lot of the effects I probably could do in post, but I suck at it. So because of that my effect library is rather large. And as for the lady? She is just a shop keeper and shows up only once so certain things don't get hand waved into place.


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