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Hmmm, annoying, it seems that I've painted myself in a corner render wise. Meaning that I'm not sure what I should show you guys here. As it's either something you seen before or spoilers. And I'm not too keen on spoilers. What to do, what to do...

Anyway, how is stuff going? Rendering goes smoothly as always. Writing is bit stalled but it's mostly due needing to do other things that has taken the time I wanted to use for writing, but it isn't bad. I should be able to finish the day 19 by the time day 12 is done so the buffer stays the same.

So yeah, this is a test render of couple characters, neither is 100% finished and are bound to receive a tweak or two. And honestly I'm not sure which one I would use. In one hand the blue haired one would be kind of norm... but in other hand... gothy red haired shortstack with bit more curves once I get to finish up the character...



have to say ginger looks better than blue lol, though both are great


Funny thing, the blue haired one is the original one that was supposed to be in but when I'm getting closer and closer to characters first appearance it just doesn't seem to fit. And the red head seems to fit more the closer I get to it.


Got to say I do enjoy a red head