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I genuinely don't really know what to say in here right now as I literally started making the 0.11.0 update this morning. And to make matters worse all my renders have been more or less not safe for work so far. So I'm bit stumped here.

On the bright side, the work does go smoothly... And being fair, any renders I've made today and tomorrow are more or less a bonus as I'm scheduled to mostly write as there has been some changes to the original script so I need to alter the days from here to 18 that I'm writing. But! 

So what to expect from the 0.11.0? More progress with Miyuki, Li returns for a scene so if you are on her route you get bit more out of her. Other than that, it is a bit odd day as it sits right between "major" decision and day with a revelation of sorts. 

Anyway, just text this time, once I get out of the not-safe-for-work zone I'll put some pictures up... or... hmm...

Okay so, this has nothing to do with Sorcerer, but it is old familiar faces and one unknown.

I know that Chiel looks bit odd but it is the expression of irritation she has on her face, although I admit I did change her skin to something that doesn't require me editing every picture after every close up renders. And there has been slight facial changes over all.... and yes I do stuff for Terminus Reach while I do Sorcerer, although it is more concept stuff, trying new aliens and what not. And new uniforms, gods I need get the materials to be less shiny.


Rob Northman

sorry if I missed any previous announcements, but are you hinting here that T.R. is getting a sequel?


There will be a sequel to TRS after Sorcerer. It's just at least year off so haven't really made that much noise about it. Outside of that test render of new alien.