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So where are we at? 0.6.0 is public, and one scene to do for 0.7.0... but that raises a problem. Day 8, is short and by short I mean short like day 3 short, there is a reason for it and it is perfectly clear why it is short when you see it but... I need to see do I have something that I can add to it or simply push the next public to 0.8.0. 

Actually no, I take it back it is slightly longer than day 3. So for player's sake 0.8.0 being the next public makes more sense than having like 5 minutes of play if I do that, alright it is longer than that but... Naturally patrons will get 0.7.0 when it is done. So I need to think how I'll do it.

Now, day 9 and day 10's after that are longer, and day 10 will be another two part update simply because of branching, and let's not get ahead ourselves too much.

TL;DR: Stuff is going well, should be out soon... relatively anyway.

And yes, there is once again familiar scenery in the image. But why not? I needed 10 or so images for the TV. I could have made some random images, or found something from the net. But why? I have one VN with 6000+ images, and since it easily could be a movie or TV-series in this universe... Why not? ;)


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