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And felt like making a progress post a day earlier just because I can. 2 and half scenes to do. Problem is well... rendering is slow. Partially because looking cool isn't always the best possible choice. Unfortunately changing the environment isn't something that is going to happen when you are half way through the troublesome scene.

Then it is the seasonal change going on, from warm to cool, no not cold, unless it is -35 °C (-31 °F) it isn't cold, it's just mildly chilly before that! >.> Sadly it always  wreaks havoc with my bones until I get used to the cold and moist air, so while the mind is willing the body is like "Nope! Back to bed!" and the funny thing is that I like the cooler air better. Just takes a week or two to adjust. But regardless of my body nagging I'll keep pushing forward!

And pushed 0.5.0 to public, it's on F95. And should probably rework the blog to have this one there as well. Yeah definitely need more hours in a day.

Anyway TL;DR Progress is being made, bit slowish at the moment but the image plan should be done by Wednesday then it is just plugging the stuff to code and waiting renders to finish up. Then testing, post, and some more testing. Maybe a nap between >.>

I like the environment and it is awesome for one or two renders but just wait until I add  6 people to it. Oh and I hope no one is afraid of snakes >.>


Vaughn Reese

I just downloaded the update, cant wait to play it. Bet a lot of us are looking forward to cooler weather ... The older I get the less I like summer, unless I'm in Minnesota. Enjoying the game/VN ... appreciate ya Tal.


Never forget the "nap in between"!


Never liked the warmth or the sun, it just drains the energy from me. I'd be happy if 15 °C (59 °F) would be the max during summer, but noooo...


Good thing when the renders take 20ish minutes right now, is that you can take a nap. Thank god I use reclining armchair as my work chair >.>