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98% done. I was going to delay making the progress post until I'm done but man these last few images are one of those that will kick my ass because they can. It's mostly because dForce is acting up and takes randomly 20 seconds or 40 minutes. Why? Because it can, that's the only reason I can think off. Well, either that or because the models have hair. >.>

Anyway, 0.5.0 will be out no later than tomorrow, assuming nothing else happens like power outage or net going down for maintenance. $15 dollar tier gets it the moment it is uploaded, than $10 day or two later, and $3 gets it by Friday. Public will be a week from the $3 tier or when 0.6.0 hits, which ever is first.

I might change the public release to be 1 release behind eventually but we see how it goes. After the release I'll make a post about 0.6.0, and now back to the rendering we go!

Meeting with ancestors. I'm... happy of that image, or the image series about this.  There are things in them that I was supposed to delete by I simply forgot and because I forgot them they turned out to be awesome.

Also a note about the sex scenes. How I do things shouldn't be surprising to anyone if you came from TRS, but with the one in this update something finally clicked in my brain and there will be improvements going forward, at least I hope so.

No 50 minutes of animation nor 500 different angles because they can, but bit longer, bit different than it was in TRS and hopefully better. But as always that is the matter of personal opinion, and for the record I like the one I did with Li for some reason but hey.

And for the record, I doubt I ever be professional quality animator or illustrator for that matter, it is just one skill set out of many that I don't posses. But I will try my best to improve all the images and scenes I do, step by step. Same with the writing in English. 



Hair. Yuck. Looking forward to all of it!