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So let's talk about 0.4.0 and beyond for a bit, progress towards it is decent enough, unfortunately I'm bit behind from where I would like to be due trying to get couple scenes lightning to something I like.  But on positive sides the next scene is fast to do so I'll gain the time I lost with messing around the lightning back. So over all the progress is good. 

And to the beyond bit now mostly, now that I have a higher tier patron I need to stagger the release a bit. So the general patron release will happen 2 days after the release for the higher tier. And public 4-5 days after the general release. 

That's for 0.4.0, the version after it, the 0.4.5 which contains the first half of the day 5 (branching paths) will not get public release. For patrons the release happens as above, 2 days for the currently highest tier patron, than to the others. The public version will be 0.5.0 with both path's completed.

And once again, release of 0.4.0 is when it is done, I have a rough idea when it is done but I've learned not to give hard deadlines, less disappointments for everyone that way.

Edit: Holy hell where the f... did the 2 weeks to come to the $3 tier? o.O Ok that's fixed now, sorry for the confusion it might have caused, it always was meant to be within 1 week of the highest tier release.


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