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Hello all!

Monday and release week. Yay. So far it has been good, outside of copy and paste error with the SHA's, fixed in the posts and changelog just fyi. I hope. And couple ren'py shenanigans but that unfortunately isn't anything new.

So rendering of 0.21.0 has begun as expected, a bit slow but the scene is relatively heavy so nothing new in that regard, and I'll get it done in the end.

As for writing, starting the update 25 tonight. 24 ended being a bit longer since I didn't want to end it in another cliffhanger so soon after the last trio. And that's about that... Next tier release is in a few hours so...

A concept render this time to avoid massive spoilers. I do a lot of characters. Some with specific purpose in mind, some just for fun. And at times I make a character that I plan to use but the original plan gets changed. She is one of those, the plan changed. Will I use her? Maybe. In ToaM? I don't know until I write things. But with a few tweaks she would fit Sorcerer as well. Or TRS, just would need a jumpsuit and lose the ice effects. Anyway, back to work with me... or short break actually first.




Oh, a Ren-girl and a beauty white fox, wear the girl gloves , i am not sure ? No, no glows the details on her hand, i think it is magic.👍


i'm thinking of making this into a magnet painting to hang in the bedroom. 2 issues: space and am i allowed to...


Allowed to make decorative painting for personal use? Sure. I have no problems with that. The space I can't do much about though >.>