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Rendering, it's alright, despite needing to build sets for almost every scene. Irritating, but not the end of the world.

As for writing, it's in decent shape overall, just need to write more but the current heat wave isn't making it any easier to do. But I'm not that worried. More about the set building but it is what it is.

And our heroes are somewhere warm for a change. Amusingly I messed up, I forgot to use Tomas' winter gear, and by the time I noticed it, it was too late to re-render. But luckily for me, I've already established that that clothes can be altered easily via magic so it isn't a that big of a deal. He just changed clothes between the scenes. That and I hate doing the lightning. Ah well...

Yeah. The anniversary of me starting doing this stuff is approaching. Well, not entirely accurate, but close enough. So I did a thing, probably do another for Monday. What spurred this on? Well outside the coming anniversary talk about the main menu images. Comparing TRS1, Sorcerer, and partially TRS2 with ToaM's TRS2 was fine already, I liked it, but ToaM's? Now that is entirely different level. And only time will tell can I pull something better...




I spent the last few days going through your games in order. It was enlightening to see what looked to me like subtle hints for the VN's especially Sorcerer then TRS2. They were just little things that you probably wouldn't notice unless you decided to look for them. Of course, it could just be me and some wishful thinking. I'm going to restart YoaM this weekend because I think I need to look closer at it. Thank You.


There are things that are hidden in them, some subtle and not so subtle references, like the fishing Cthulhu guy, Bruce and Ragnar having a beer, Alexander and Maie in the background... for to not so subtle ones in TRS2. ToaM not so much at the moment, but harder to hide things in the forests in a sense.


Hey, i am sure ToaM is special imao for me, good story, nice sexy girls, a cursed MC with a open-minded, the renders very good and the MC party with humor. I like the animation and the appeared from the girls , the fairy is so much fun and a really hottie 😋 ✌️ Wait for the next update, have a nice weekend ✌️