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So Monday and progress stuff.

Started rendering update 0.18.0, it's going... okay, I'd say. Some posing annoyances and what not, but as usual, it will be done.

As for writing, it's on 0.22.0 so things going decently on that side as well. Can't complain.

Now since at the moment there would be huge spoilers I'll won't post a game render until Friday when I've moved past the more spoilery stuff. Instead...

Familiars. Every mage has them, you've seen three so far, but overall almost anything can be a familiar, depending on the gods of magic whims (any of them). But there can be problems with them, at times hunters don't know better and try to harm mages familiar. Not a smart idea. A lot of time, channelling magic to a familiar can heal its wounds, and it doesn't matter from who the magic comes. Just having more than one mage doing it can be helpful, the fairly already depleted hers by trying to heal the rabbit. And don't worry, the rabbit will be fine. Can't say as much for the hunter in the ice block...




I enjoyed that last update, looking forward to seeing what happens at camp and how this tower goes once we get there

Gingko Biloba

Poor hunter, for all we know, the guy's got 4 kids on his own.