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Hello all!

Friday and things are happening... at least when I wake up enough. The update is uploading, about halfway there with it, but there are the usual caveats during summer.

And that means I'll write the few pages I have left of 21, get some extra sleep and then start doing update 0.18.0 on Monday. So business as usual, I suppose.

This is... I was trying to create a titan, kind of succeeded and then I decided to put her into a render that happened during the mercenary years. Worked well enough. Now I just need to remember how I did the skin and make a male counterpart. Just in case I need either of them in the future. Although... Yeah... might work. Anyway. Have a great weekend you all!




did you treat the skin as a mesh and simply changed its colour? or did you add it as a skin paint? the latter seems to be something most unity games do when they decide to let you change the skin colour, then add tattoos as a second layer of paint on top. anyway, looking good. at least you had the guts to have multiple types of armor. i first thought the plate mail armors were ELEX tech armors when i saw them, ngl. that's what i get for going from 4k to 1920p


Skins are textures, and you manipulate the skin shader to add various things and effects, if you want. That particular skin has slight metallic sheen to to it and some flake effect that I forgot. But it's relatively easy to find out just need to check the maps and values from the textures. And check are there male variants, which there should be.