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Hello all!

A bit snafu with the 0.12.0 public, compressed is the older version for some reason on gofile. Slightly annoying, but happens. Can be fixed relatively easily by getting the "normal" update only, and extracting the gui.rpa from it to the /game folder. Anyway. Doing this while the big scene loads up...

So what's up? Obviously, rendering the 0.14.0 got some of it done over the weekend, which was a good, gives me an idea how long it potentially takes to render the scene. Answer is, long. Outside of eating resources, it isn't that "heavy" to render as is, just the posing will be annoying. Nothing new there. But otherwise it's going okay.

Otherwise, writing of 0.18.0 is underway, not sure how much I can do with that in the next couple of days, but I'm not concerned too much.

Originally, it was supposed to jump straight to the "main event" in the next update. But at some point during the writing of the scene and now the idea of "instead of week's time skip do a montage"... not sure how it will work out. Although I do need to retcon the time a day or two shorter. But that doesn't change much relatively or readjust the images a bit. But I'll see that when I test it. So yeah, this is one of the images from the montage. Anyhow... back to rendering with me!

P.S. To give context, the scene is titled "internally" as "morning practice".



Gingko Biloba

Lakha codex is funny, well done.


It's fun to add little hidden things in to the codex. Especially when there haven't been that many opportunities in the game as is for them. Hopefully soonish...

Michael Moore

Wow, just finished the _real_ Chapter 13 as opposed to the legacy antiquity version I first downloaded. The correct copy is much more fulfilling and interesting. Many thanks!