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This is the Premium version, Premium features are Unlocked, you can use it Commercially, and will NOT ask you for donation.

This a BETA version, click here to get Stable version.

You need to active the premium version for your PC, you can read this post to learn more: How to activate the Premium version

"Why my download got flagged as unsafe?". Click here to learn why there is "False positive antivirus alerts"

*You DO NOT need to re-activate the software if you already activated it, if you uninstall then re-installed the software, just enter the old activation code.


FULL Package:





Update Package (For v3.107.01 and Later versions):



You must fully installed v3.107.01 and Later versions before install the Update Package.


Sha256 (FULL Package):


Sha256 (Update Package):




- 🚀Significantly improved UI performance, now the Files list UI can handle large amount of files much better than before.

- ⭐NEW Feature: [Reduce Video FPS], reduce frame rate of the Video before frame interpolation and upscaling. (Additional settings tab, Tools section)

- ⭐NEW Feature: [Copy Skipped files], when enabled, also Copy Skipped files to the output folder. (Home tab, output folder section)

- ⭐NEW Feature: Now you can adjust how many threads [Convert format ONLY (Static Images)] will use by adjusting: [Engine settings, Number of threads (Super-resolution), Image].

- ✅Fix several bugs related to [Convert format ONLY (Static Images)].



what's a use case for the reduce fps option? Also, i think i reccomended it before, but adding prores or a similiar lossless codec as output option would be appreciated. It used to be possible by using costum video settings, but for some reason it stopped working with one of the updates. maybe something on my end though.


Better video quality control is already under development (including lossless codec) You will see it in the next few updates