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This bug is now fixed in v3.106.17-beta and later versions.


Previously several users reported that waifu2x will randomly stuck during frame interpolation. But I was not able to fix this issue because I couldn't re-produce this bug on my PC.

A few days ago, I got a new CPU for my PC, and now I can re-produce this bug on my PC and FIX it. It turns out that this bug is CPU related and that's why I can't re-produce this bug before, my previous CPU is too old, and this bug only happends on new(or high-end) CPUs

Therefore, if you encountered this issue before, please update to the next BETA version, which will be released within the next 24 hours.

I am really sorry for the inconvenience, and please message me if you have more suggestion or reports.



It's finally been solved!!!! So glad to hear it! Extremely excited for this update. Thank you so much for finding a fix!

