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Recently I implemented a NEW method for Frame analysis, which will make Scene Shift Detection and Speed Boost running way Faster than before.

*Still under testing, NOT available in current version.

1. Speed comparison:

Same video, 2x frame interpolation, Scene Shift Detection enabled.

The NEW method only took 8 seconds to finish Scene Shift Detection while running in parallel with frame interpolation.

The old method took 8 minutes 48 seconds, which is 65x more than the NEW method.

2. Scene Shift Detection: Since the new method is so fast and Scene Shift Detection is already running in parallel with frame interpolation, so the Scene Shift Detection will be fininshed in a few seconds after frame interpolation started, therefore Scene Shift Detection won't cost any extra time in 99% of situations, and your PC won't slow down to the point of unusable when running frame interpolation.

3. Speed Boost: The new method is not only faster but also more accurate, only 100% identical frames will be picked when using the new method, and it can still save time even when using fast modern GPUs like RTX 3060. (the old method only works when your GPU is way older than CPU). And it also can be running in parallel with other tasks, which will save even more time. (parallel operation is not implemented yet, but it's in my plan)

And there is still room for performance improvements for this new frame analysis method, so I still need more time working on it, please wait for the next update, and thank you for keep supporting this project!



Good job!